Mail Services
373 S. High Street, 25th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
The purpose of the Mail Services Program is to provide interoffice mail and outgoing-mail processing services to Franklin County agencies, so that they can send and receive information in a timely, cost-effective manner.
All processed mail is delivered to the USPS within 24 hours. The program provides efficient, responsive, and fiscally sustainable Government Operations. By utilizing the Mail Room services supported agencies are able to reduce costs by sending mail at discounted rates, reducing their agency equipment costs for separate postage meters, and their agency personnel costs by having the Mail Room personnel deliver the mail to the USPS.
The Services provided are:
- First Class Mail
- Certified Mail
- Certified Restricted Mail
- Registered Mail
- International Mail
- 2 Day Priority Mail
- Bulk Mailings
- Inter-Office Deliveries